We live in a world of influences; both good and bad. It would be foolish of us to believe that Satan and the forces of evil are not actively working in the world and directly affecting us. In this series we explore the ways in which we need to stand on guard against Satan’s evil schemes.
Save the dates for our upcoming church wide camping trip to Buchanan Michigan in the early summer! We would love for you and your family to join us for this retreat. Please see Guy Easoz for more information.
Spiritual Gift Cards
People in need come to our church on a regular basis looking for their basic needs to be met. We are asking you to consider donating some gift cards to grocery stores for those who are less fortunate than us. Thank you for your generosity!
The Invitation Prayer Gathering
Every 1st Thursday of the Month at 6:30pm
Our regular all church prayer gathering is called The Invitation. We will be inviting God to work in our lives, in our church, and in our world. This is a rich time of prayer and fellowship. Come join us!
Grace Kids Helpers Needed!
We believe that creating a strong foundation on the Lord for children is very important! Help us to bring children to saving faith by serving in our children’s church! We need helpers to assist leaders in sharing God’s truth to children!